Transfers — TKG

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Packages for Transfers


This package is for students who are currently completing their freshman or sophomore year at an undergraduate institution and wish to transfer schools. This is an incredibly daunting and time-sensitive process, and TKG understands that. We come up with a comprehensive plan with our students to give them the best chance at gaining admission to a school better suited to their personalities and passions. TKG will help come up with a timeline, a targeted list of schools, suggestions for professors to ask for recommendation letters, and the entire Common App and college supplements.

Single application review

This package is for students and parents who have one specific application that is of utmost importance to them. An expert counselor will review, edit, and offer strategic advice on all parts of the application. Particularly useful for early decision and early action applicants, this service offers the help students need to make their application truly competitive—that is, to allow them to outshine other students vying for the same spot at top schools.