Best Undergraduate Schools for Communication
Communication is one of those majors that can be used for a wide array of careers down the line. From media to politics, communication is an important knowledge base across many fields. Communication is a major that is often combined with a dual-major or a minor, whether in a related field or not. Many colleges and universities offer exciting programs and interdisciplinary options when it comes to the field of communications. If you love communications, these top-tier schools should be on your list of schools to check out.
Northwestern has a lot of options when it comes to communications. Their School of Communication offers 8 majors and dual degrees. The one that most communication students will be drawn to is their Major in Communication Studies. This major is made for students with diverse talents and interests to explore the theory, tools, and techniques for analyzing, managing, and improving communication. They also offer undergrad research opportunities, independent study, and honors. They pride themselves on communication majors getting involved on campus and have the Office of External Programs, Internships, & Career Services (EPICS) to help graduates.
USC has a big communication major. We are talking 1,000+ students and over 40 electives. Their program has students take eight classes in six Core Literacies, plus two courses in Global Perspectives. They also push their students to complete internships and connect with alumni for careers after graduation. They really care about getting students to work in the field, which is a great thing when it comes to a preprofessional degree track.
UPenn’s communication major teaches students communication systems, institutions, processes, and effects. They offer optional concentrations in Advocacy & Activism, Audiences & Persuasion, Culture & Society, Data & Network Science, and Politics & Policy. They also offer the Communication and Public Service (ComPS) Program. This unique program has a capstone and a public policy and political lean.
The communications major at Stanford offers a lot of electives, up to ten of which can be taken outside of the department if approved. They offer four pathways in the communications major: Digital Media Studies, Media Psychology, Journalism, and Political Communication. It’s an overall flexible major. They also have research opportunities, internships, and off-campus programs in New York, DC, and abroad.
UNC-Chapel Hill communications students must choose a concentration inside of the major. The concentrations include Interpersonal & Organizational Communication, Media & Technology Studies and Production, New Media Track (an interdisciplinary track within the Media & Technology Studies & Production concentration), Performance Studies, and Rhetorical Studies. They also have a Cultural studies program which is a related interdisciplinary major. They offer great opportunities outside of the classroom including Independent Study, Internships, UNC Hollywood Media Internship, study abroad especially the CET Film Production in Prague program, and an honors thesis route.
Emerson offers a couple of majors through their School of Communication. While most traditional communication students will most likely choose Communication Studies, the department also offers Communication Sciences & Disorders, Journalism, and Marketing Communication. They have a very hands-on program that features projects, campaigns, co-curricular activities, and practical demonstrations. Their program covers topics in public relations, marketing, advertising, journalism, political communication, sports communication, communication disorders, management in the creative industries, and digital media.
Emerson also has a partnership with Blanquerna Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals through their Center for Global Communication for those interested in abroad opportunities.
Wake Forest
Wake Forest’s Communication Department takes a liberal arts approach to the study of communications. Their major has three concentrations communication science, media studies, and rhetorical studies. They offer both internships and affiliated extracurricular programs such as the Wake TV television station. The department also offers a minor in Communication and Marketing Communication.
University of Georgia
Comm Majors at UGA can expect to learn both interpersonal communication and public communication skills. Their Comm Department also offers a route for students to get their BS/MA in five years. They offer funding, research, and abroad options to interested undergrads. They also house a chapter of the National Communication Association's honor society, Lambda Pi Eta (LPH), and the Undergraduate National Communication Association (UNCA).
Cornell offers a couple of focus areas through their Communication Major including Communication, Environment, Science and Health; Communication Media Studies, Communication and Information Technologies; and Communication and Social Influence. At least fifteen credits are taken in the core and then six are taken in the focus. This gives students an education in both the breadth of the field and the depth of their focus. They offer an honors program and extracurricular opportunities such as the Communication Student Advisory Board, Cornell Media Guild - WVBR, The Cornell Sun, The Social Media Club, and more.
The College of Arts, Media, and Design at Northeastern has a lot of options. They offer over 20 majors and a host of minors. Before that number freaks you out (is there such thing as too many choices?), the majority of the majors are combined majors, for example, Communication Studies and Media Screen Studies, Communication Studies and Linguistics, and Media and Screen Studies and Sociology. They have a lot of routes for students to really hone in on what excites them in the field of communications. Their minors are also creative with programs in Cinema Studies, Argumentation and Law, and Improvisation and Storytelling.
Communications Departments offer a lot of specialization across the board. From unique minors to multiple available concentrations, Communications is a major where students can choose the right specialization for themselves. These ten top-tier programs offer amazing opportunities both in and out of the classroom and abroad. If you are interested in communication, you need to look into these great programs.
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