How to Write the Southern Methodist University (SMU) Supplement 2024-2025
Southern Methodist University, usually just called SMU, is a private research school that is surprisingly non-secretarian in its teaching (so not as Methodist as you might have guessed). Located in a charming area of Dallas, Texas, the school has become popular recently, especially for their undergraduate business and engineering schools. SMU has a sizeable Greek system, fun traditions, and a beautiful campus… which has also made it even more buzzy. They often don’t outright publish their acceptance rate, but it is usually around 50%. The school is test-optional and has a reasonably straightforward supplement. While it isn’t a tricky supplement, there are a couple of best practices on how to approach it. So let’s break it down.
SMU appeals to students for a variety of reasons. Briefly describe why you are interested in attending SMU and what specific factors have led you to apply. (250-word limit)
This prompt asks the simple question, “Why do you want to go here?” This is probably the number one question that colleges ask, and we have a little bit of a formula for approaching it. The first step is research. The more you know about the college, the easier this will be to write, and then our “formula” will do all the hard work. It is going to seem weird at first, but stay with us.
First, tell your academic origin story.
You want to tell a short personal story about when you first fell in love with what you want to study. Honestly, it doesn’t have to be the “first first” thing, but it should pique the reader's interest and make them understand why you are passionate about your future major. For example, if you hope to major in accounting, maybe you can tell a story about helping your uncle make an expense spreadsheet for a vacation. If you hope to study English, maybe it was going on a tour of Hemingway’s house on a school trip. You then want to state what you want to major in and that you want to study it at SMU.
One quick note here: don’t be undecided. You want to talk about a specific major. Even if you aren’t 100% sure, write like you are. Trust us, this isn’t a formal declaration, and it will be much harder to get in if you are undecided. They want confident and passionate students. Try to channel that.
Second, add some specifics about academics.
Now that you have stated what you hope to study, you want to back it up. This is where the research comes in handy. You should mention at least two higher-level (skip the 101s) classes in your major that you are excited about taking. Talk about why you are excited about these classes and how they connect with academic interests or experiences that you have already interfaced with. Do the same with a professor you would like to work with and what appeals to them about their research. Once you have talked about classes and a professor, you can mention any other specific or unique academic opportunities that speak to you.
Third, talk about extracurriculars.
Once you have delved into academics, you should talk about who you hope to be outside of class. We recommend mentioning a club/extracurricular related to something you already do so you can talk about yourself. For example, if you sing in your school’s choir, you could talk about joining the Belle Tones acapella group. TL;DR: You want to establish the overlap between your interests and what they offer at SMU. First academically, then more generally.
That is probably all you can fit into 250 words, but you want to leave the reader with the idea that you are perfect for SMU and that SMU is perfect for you.
SMU is a diverse and welcoming learning environment shaped by the convergence of ideas and cultures. How will your unique experiences enhance the University, and how will you benefit from this community? (250-word limit)*
Sometimes, students get tripped up by the word “diverse” in this question. They feel like they need to write about “diversity.” However, the only thing you need to do for this essay is to tell a good story and bring the reader into your own personal world. While the prompt might have the word “diverse” in it, the question itself asks for a “unique experience.”
You want to tell the story of an important experience that connects to the person you are. You could write about finishing your first song, getting over your fear of heights, working on cars with your dad, making dim sum, or coming out as queer. All of these are equally good stories as long as you show the reader why this experience is essential to you and your world.
After you have told your story, you should connect it to who you will be at SMU. You want to connect your skills to the SMU community and your experience there.
SMU’s supplement isn’t tricky. Their questions are similar to those on many other college supplements. These questions are popular for a reason! They are great ways to get to know you. All you have to do is do your best and give yourself time to research and edit.
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