9th Grade College Strategy for Math

Calculus? Algebra? Trigonometry? There’s so much math, we don’t even know what to do with it! If you’re here, you think you might want to study math in college, and we don’t blame you. Math touches every single field and has applications within business, finance, education, the social sciences, and so much more. Maybe you’re drawn in by the allure of solving complex problems, the fascination with how math underpins everything in our world, or just the fact that mathematical concepts are integral to every part of our modern society. Now, you, as a 9th grader, want to know what you can do to start the college prep process.

"I think 9th grade is too early to think about college, and it doesn’t matter to colleges anyway." Oh, how mistaken you are, dear teen. While 9th grade might seem too early for college prep, it’s actually a great time to start exploring your academic and extracurricular interests. Freshman year does matter to colleges, especially the top-tier ones.

When we work with 9th graders, we help them plan productive summers. We also provide guidance to ensure that by the time they reach sophomore year, they are well-prepared and ahead in the college preparation process.

Explore What You’re Interested In

You say you're into math, but have you pinpointed exactly why? Or what aspect of it excites you the most? Or where you see yourself applying it in the future? Because that’s exactly what colleges are looking for! If you've already figured it all out, kudos to you—are you a math prodigy?? But if you haven’t, then let’s talk.

Top-tier schools are looking for students who carve out a niche in their chosen field. Just saying you're into math won't cut it, and neither will something generic like "Algebra." You've got to get super specific, like "Number Theory and Its Applications in Cryptography." Now, don't stress if you're not at that level of specificity yet. It might take some time to get there, but you've gotta start somewhere.

When we're planning summers, it's important for us to understand what fuels your passion for math. Was it that fascinating math competition you participated in? Maybe there's a specific math class or teacher that sparked your interest. Or perhaps you're driven by the idea of solving problems that can change the world or how math can work alongside some of your other interests. Whatever your motivations, we're here to help you find your niche in the world of math. By asking the right questions, we can guide you toward opportunities that perfectly align with your interests and aspirations in mathematics. So, let us help you explore these questions! They're not just about planning your summer but also about charting your course in the field of math.

Freshman year is all about exploration, and what better way to dive in than by taking some online math courses and diving into a few math books (not just textbooks, but biographies of famous mathematicians and theory books, too)? Students who return to us in their sophomore year after engaging in this self-guided exploration are often far ahead of their peers and ready to develop standout extracurriculars that will make their college applications shine.

Do Well in School

Colleges are paying attention to your grades from the very first day of high school. That means it's crucial to buckle down and excel academically in 9th grade. We understand that adjusting to high school can be challenging, but if you're struggling now, the road ahead will only get tougher. Seek out tutoring, have honest conversations with your teachers if you’re having difficulties, and develop strong study habits to ensure you're setting yourself up for success.

Top-tier schools want to see you excel in the most challenging classes. When we work with freshmen, we don't just focus on summer planning—we also help them with course selection for sophomore year and beyond. For all you math whizzes out there, you’ll want to develop a course plan that allows you to take AP Calc AB and BC, and maybe an AP Stats course, too. You also want to make sure you have strong grades in your math and STEM classes and take extracurriculars (hello fellow mathletes) that align with your interests.


We often find students who come to us later in their sophomore or junior year are lacking in the extracurricular department—or worse, not involved in any at all. And we so wish we could have intervened earlier! Freshmen, this is your time to spread your wings and explore! Join clubs, attend events, and absorb all the knowledge you can. If you have a passion for math, consider joining a math club, participating in Math Olympiad, contributing to math research projects, starting a peer tutoring group, or becoming, idk, the next Good WIll Hunting? The opportunities are endless, and the best part? You can start right now.

Now, let's talk about meaningful extracurriculars. Sure, activities like the musical, football, and debate might be fun (and if you’re passionate about them, it’s okay to stick with them!), but if they’re taking up too much of your time and not aligning with your academic interests, it might be time to reconsider. Sports, unless you’re getting recruited, may not help you very much. Focus on opportunities that ignite your passion for math—like participating in math competitions, attending math camps, or joining a STEM-focused organization—to make the most of your high school experience.

Summer Plans

Planning your summer activities is our forte. At TKG, we’re passionate about helping you uncover your love for math and connecting you with summer opportunities to immerse yourself in the subject.

Summer—your most uninterrupted block of time! While it’s tempting to relax or binge-watch TV, if you’re aiming for top-tier colleges, every moment is precious. Let us help you turn this time into an invaluable experience.

For freshmen, we specialize in finding the best summer programs. Top universities like UCLA, Harvard, UPenn, Brown, Columbia, Yale, and UChicago offer excellent pre-college programs for math enthusiasts. The benefit of being interested in a competitive field like math is the abundance of opportunities to explore it deeply. These programs provide a unique chance to explore advanced math topics alongside peers who share your passion, allowing you to expand your knowledge and interests. Plus, sometimes you can get college credit and you get to see colleges up-close-and-personal.

By understanding the specific interests of our freshmen, we can recommend the perfect summer programs tailored just for them. We’re here to support you through every step—brainstorming ideas, refining applications, securing recommendation letters, and ultimately guiding you toward the best fit for your goals.

Freshmen, it's never too early to start planning your college journey, especially if you're aiming for a highly competitive field like math. Explore your interests early, excel in your classes, and let us help you craft the perfect summer plans!

Freshmen, if you want to start strategizing for college, or just need help planning your summer, reach out to us today.