How to Write the Georgia Tech Supplement 2024-2025 — TKG

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How to Write the Georgia Tech Supplement 2024-2025

Georgia Institute of Technology, usually just called Georgia Tech, is a public research university in Atlanta. Georgia Tech is an extremely popular school for STEM students. You might not think a public school in the South rivals MIT, but you would be wrong! With 17,000 undergrads and 22,000 postgrads, it is a surprisingly large school to be in a major urban center (and it's truly in the center; we are talking about a 20-minute walk from Downtown ATL).

Last year, their acceptance rate for Georgia residents was 33%, and 10% for non-residents. It’s also important to note that Georgia Tech is not test optional, meaning you will have to send in ACT or SAT Scores (and pretty high ones; last year, their median SAT score was 1440 and 32 for the ACT… but that isn’t really surprisingly with so many elite STEM kids applying.)

Getting into Georgia Tech is not easy, especially for out-of-state residents. If you are serious about getting in, you need to shine, and part of that is writing a great supplemental essay.

Georgia Tech only asks for one fairly simple essay and gives some good advice for applicants on their website, but we still wanted to break it down and share our advice on tackling the Georgia Tech supplement.

Why do you want to study your chosen major and why do you want to study your major at Georgia Tech?* (300 max)

This question is a classic for a reason. It is essential to have a clear academic plan when applying to schools like Georgia Tech, and they want to see it. Before you even start writing this, you should research the school. You need to find a Georgia Tech major and then learn everything you can about it. You should be a total expert in the major and its offerings before you write this essay. It will make it so much easier if you are already a stan. Trust us. Once you have, you can start writing.  

Start your essay with a short story about when you first fell in love with your intended major. We think of this as an academic origin story. For example, if you want to study Architecture, it could be building your first model or learning about Mies Van der Rohe in a book on art history. You can then include how you have pursued that academic passion so far and, finally, state that you hope to major in it at Georgia Tech.

But remember, this isn’t just an essay about what you hope to study; it is also about why you want to study it at Georgia Tech. You have to back this up with specific opportunities you found in your research that drew you to Georgia Tech. We recommend mentioning at least two higher-level classes (at Georgia Tech, they are generally marked 3000 or 4000) that align with your specific academic interests. For example, if you are hoping to study Biochemistry, you could write about being excited to take BIOS 4015 Cancer Biology and Biotechnology because you took an online course on Biotech and want to learn more. You want to show the overlap between your previous experiences and what Georgia Tech offers.

You should also name a professor whose work you would love to assist and why. As mentioned above, you want to show the overlap between your experiences and what the professor is working on. Once you have explored classes and professors, you can mention any other academic opportunities in your majors (or even Georgia Tech, more generally) that have led you to apply.  

If you look at the tips from their website, it says:  

  • Demonstrate a student's thoughtfulness about why Georgia Tech, specifically, is a fit for them and how their goals align with Georgia Tech’s Values. The Georgia Institute of Technology is a public research university established by the state of Georgia in Atlanta in 1885 and committed to developing leaders who advance technology and improve the human condition.

With that in mind, it isn’t a bad idea to also bring up one of their values and how it aligns with your educational or (even later professional) goals.

The goal of this essay is to show the overlap between your interests, passions, and goals. You don’t need a formal conclusion, but you should try to leave the reader with the idea that you are a perfect fit for Georgia Tech and that Georgia Tech is a place where you would thrive.

This essay is relatively straightforward, but it takes time to get it right. Make sure you put your best foot forward by giving yourself enough time to research and edit! If you are nervous about applying, we can help!

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