How to Write the Georgia Tech Supplement 2022-2023
The Georgia Institute of Technology- usually called Georgia Tech out of state and simply Tech in Georgia- is in Atlanta GA. Georgia Tech is a public research university and institute of technology. What does that mean? Simply, it's a school where research is part of its mission and they specialize in engineering, technology, applied science, and natural sciences. Pretty much if you are looking to go to school for English, skip this one. But if you are a math and science kid, this is probably a great choice. Their acceptance rate is 35% for Georgia residents and 13% for out-of-state applicants. Their supplement is really simple and has only one question. Let’s talk about it.
Why do you want to study your chosen major specifically at Georgia Tech?* (300-word limit)
This is a version of a classic “why do you want to do here” essay. This essay is a little more specific. While we always say that academics should be the crux of this type of essay, this one should only be about your major.
This means you do have to know what you are majoring in. While most people who apply to tech schools aren’t undecided, if you aren’t 100% sure what you want to study, just fake it til you make it. Trust us once you are there, there will be opportunities to shift what you want to study, but you should write like you are totally sure of what you want to study.
You should start this essay with a personal story about when you fell in love with your intended major. For example, if you want to study computer science, maybe it was building your first website in middle school. Whatever story you choose, it should show a spark of interest. Now it’s time to fan that spark into a flame. Show how you have grown and pursued your interest. Talk about how you did research, took classes, read books, etc., and how that lead you to want to major in the subject.
Once you have established what you want to study, it’s time to connect it to Georgia Tech. For this, you need specifics. The more things you can specifically say about academics at Georgia Tech the better. The bare minimum is to name two higher-level classes and a professor you want to do research with.
The classes you mention should be specific to Georgia Tech. Skip anything that would be the same at all schools, such as “computer science 101.” You should also explain why you want to take these classes specifically. Georgia Tech is a research school, so mentioning a professor's research and how you want to work with them is another great specific. Just make sure, again, you explain why you want to work with them. When you are explaining why, you want to speak to past experiences and your interests. It should feel specific!
Since this essay is 300 words, you should have time to mention more specifics of the program. Do some research and look specifically into the major. Maybe you love specific research opportunities or honors or professional development resources from the department. You can speak to that in this essay. Let the reader know what opportunities you are excited about at Georgia Tech. Just make sure anything you mention is connected to academics and your intended major.
The best versions of this essay show a strong overlap between you and the university. The reader should take away that Georgia Tech is the best school for you and that you would be an asset to Georgia Tech. You can do this by showing your interests and getting specific.
Honestly, we suggest getting good at writing “why do you want to go here?” essays. You will see them over and over again while applying to colleges. Georgia Tech’s is a little more specific since it is all about your major, but once you get good at answering this type of question, this should be a breeze!
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