How to Write the Colgate University Supplement 2022-2023 — TKG

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How to Write the Colgate University Supplement 2022-2023

Colgate University is a small private liberal arts college located in Hamilton, New York. Colgate is considered both a “Hidden Ivy” and a “Little Ivy,” due to its small size, academic rigor, and campus culture. Over the last two years, Colgate’s acceptance rate has halved, going from 27% in 2020 to 12% in the last admissions cycle. This is probably due to their adaptation of optional test scores and optional supplements. However, as long-time readers of the blog know, there is no such thing as an optional supplement, so if you were here thinking this would be easy to apply, you are wrong. With a 12% acceptance rate, there’s no way we’re letting you leave without writing some essays. 

Colgate does not put their supplements in the Common App, instead, they’re located within the applicant portal you’ll get access to after submitting your application. They’re all technically optional, but they’re short and pretty standard supplement fare. Let’s dive in.

Question 1: On Colgate’s campus, students engage with individuals from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds, races, ethnicities, religions, and perspectives during the course of their educational and social experiences. In 200-250 words, please share the benefits you see in engaging with a diverse body of students, faculty, and staff as part of your Colgate experience.

Diversity essay! First, you want to tell a story about how diversity has manifested in your life. It shouldn’t be too big or broad, but should indicate a sincere interaction or a lesson learned. You do not want to write something that could be perceived as unintentionally bigoted or racist. Maybe you went to a religious service with a friend of a different faith, or hosted an exchange student over the summer. Maybe you and your family vehemently disagree on politics, but are able to have a respectful dialogue. Once you finish out the story, connect it back to Colgate. Are there particular events/lectures/traditions that embody this diversity? Classes? Maybe you want to keep exploring something in particular or dive deeper into those relationships.

Question 2: Colgate students immerse themselves in social and intellectual pursuits that inspire them. Tell us in 200-250 words what inspires you and why you want to pursue that at Colgate.

Why Colgate, eaaaasy. Start out with your origin story. Why are you interested in studying what you want to study? What was the inception point of your passion in Econ or History, for instance. Now, go to the Colgate course catalog. Find one or two upper level (typically 300s and higher) classes that embody your academic interests and say why they’re interesting to you. Next, look up the professors in the department you want to be in and do the same thing – what are they researching that looks cool to you? Why?

Now, go look at extracurriculars at Colgate. What you choose should be a through line to what you’ve done in high school, so if you were big into yearbook maybe you’re looking at photo editor for The Colgate Maroon-News, the oldest weekly school paper in the US. As for the “social” component, it might be a good idea to include a campus tradition or talk about watching Raiders game with your newfound friends.

Question 3: Please complete the following so we can learn a bit more about you. Each response should be no more than 13 words.

Biggest piece of advice here? Don’t overthink it. It’s only 13 words

I am fascinated by…

This could be something super deep and really narrow, or something really broad and not that deep. Maybe it’s the migration patterns of the butterflies that land on your native wildflower garden, or maybe it’s space.

My favorite book, movie, or television show is…

Don’t go cliche, and if you pick a book, don’t pick something you read in school.

My role model is…

Maybe don’t say grandpa for this one. Try and connect back to your interests.

In the future, I hope to …

Say an attainable goal. If you said you wanted to study poli sci, maybe it’s “run for state senate.”

One historical figure I would like to meet is…

Don’t go cliche!!! This person should embody a niche interest you haven’t already shared.

My favorite food is…

You can just say your favorite food. Don’t feel like this one needs to be something sappy like grandma’s pecan pie or a food that connects to cultural heritage. It can be, but don’t just say it if you don’t mean it.

One thing I would change is…

Same vibe as the fascination question. Go deep and narrow or shallow and broad. The potholes on my street vs. crumbling bridge infrastructure in the US.

I am most challenged by…

We say pick something specific and small here. Everyone is challenged by big societal issues, so maybe use this one to highlight something fun and challenging. Is knitting kicking your ass? Is there a particular project or hobby or skill that you’ve been trying to master?

My favorite place is…

Take us to your happy place and get as specific as you can be in 13 words.

I am drawn to Colgate University because…

Colgate has given you a wealth of information on their website about what matters to them about their school, so feel free to draw inspiration from that if nothing comes to the top of your mind.

That’s the “optional” Colgate supplement. Since these are brief, really take time to edit and condense these essays. Cut out the fluff and say what matters.

If you need help with your Colgate supplements, Common App essay, or any other supplement, feel free to reach out to us today.